
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Review: The Fall of Lord Drayson by Rachael Anderson

When Colin Cavendish, the new earl of Drayson, informs Lucy Beresford that she and her mother need to vacate the house they've called home for the past two years, Lucy is fit to be tied. They have no money, no relations they can turn to for help, and nowhere to go. How dare the earl break the promise his father had made to the Beresfords without so much as a twinge of conscience?

Fate plays her hand when Lucy discovers the earl unconscious and injured in the middle of the road. When he awakens with no recollection of who he is, Lucy seizes the opportunity to teach the earl a much-needed lesson in humility and tells him that he is nothing more than a mere servant. Her servant, in fact. 

And thus begins the charming tale of a pompous lord and an impetuous young woman, caught together in a web so tangled that it begs the question: Will they ever get out?

My Thoughts:
I usually don't enjoy historical romances. The reason being usually the language puts me off a bit. However I really liked this book. The story was well written and none of it got lost in the language. I loved how Lucy didn't take herself too seriously. She wasn't so worried about propriety that she wouldn't help with the daily tasks of her own life. She was brave & strong willed. She manages to teach Colin how the other half lives. Colin was, at first, your typical "Lord of the Manor." He was more worried about his responsibilities that he was missing out on some important things in life. Then he starts to see some of the simple joys in life. Rachael Anderson always writes well-rounded characters and entertaining stories. Every time I read one of her books I'm left with a light hearted and satisfied feeling. This is a clean, sweet read. I recommend it for readers 14 & up.

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