Oh I can NOT wait!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Cover Release and Book Blast: Four Paws
Cover Release and Book Blast!

Four Paws - Quillective Project 2013
The Quillective Project's mission is to turn the power of the written word into an instrument of compassion, hope, and generosity by putting that power directly in the hands of organizations that share our principles.The 2013 Quillective Project is Four Paws, a poetry anthology featuring bestselling authors Scott Morgan, Ben Ditmars, Amber Jerome~Norrgard and Robert Zimmermann, with a "fourward" by Russell Blake.100% of all proceeds from the sale of Four Paws will benefit The Dallas Humane Society's no-kill shelter, Dog & Kitty City. Your purchase of this book makes a difference.
The project collection goes live on February 24th, 2013 on Amazon.com. For buying information check on The Quillective Project website.

The Quillective Project began as an idea as a poetry collaboration between myself and Robert Zimmermann, and not long after, it expanded to include Ben Ditmar, Scott Morgan and Kriss Morton. Originally slated to be released around Christmas, that idea was changed when Ben suggested having all the proceeds go to benefit a charity. And an idea was born. Why not make 100% of the proceeds benefit a worthy cause, not just for this one book, but for future collaborations between Amber and other authors? Why not start something that has nothing to do with anyone in particular but using the combined voices of many and the power of the written word the Quillective Project can benefit those who are not as fortunate.
Even if someone sees this poetry book and doesn’t buy it, if it inspires them to go out and make a positive change in the world, no matter how small, that alone is priceless. And this isn’t just a one time benefit. As long as the organizations that are chosen as beneficiaries for The Quillective Project’s yearly collaborations are in existence, they will benefit. Every time a book is purchased, whether one week, one year, ten years, one hundred years from now? It's still going to benefit each organization.
Please support the project and make a difference in the lives of the animals of Dog and Kitty City.
100% of all proceeds will benefit www.dognkittycity.or
MORE WAYS TO HELP: The Ellen Degeneres show highlights Acts of Kindness and paying it forward. Please go to: http://www.ellentv.com/be-on-the-show/682 and tell them about The Quillective Project’s 2013 Anthology, Four Paws. Include the links www.dognkittycity.org and www.quillectiveproject.org.
For more information, please visit the following sites. If you are interested in helping out, signup for more information HERE:
Quillective Project | Four Paws - The Book | Dog & Kitty City
Awakened Book Release Day!!
This series looks so good. I will be adding it to my TBR list ASAP!!
What must he overcome to
protect her?
With no clue of what to do next and the responsibility of looking after Alex
and Mia as promised, Kale is up to his ears in problems and no solutions. How
will Kale save Ella, keep Alex and Mia safe, control Jace as well as control
the Bloodlust that creeps beneath the surface waiting to be released? Will Kale
be Ella’s savior or will he convict her to a fate worse than the one Laurent
has already promised her?
What truths will she learn?
Ella knows that the choices she makes affects not only her but everyone else
around her, but what about the choices made to find her? Ella learns the truth
about the death of her parents, learns that the ones she thought she could
trust aren’t so trustworthy after all.
How will Ella handle these betrayals, and will she be able to sacrifice what is
necessary to obtain eternal life?
“Ella,” Kale said.
I stopped short.
“We will talk about this when
you come back down tomorrow.” His tone held no room for discussion, but I would
fight him on this. He would fade away and leave me here to mourn him.
I could only stare at him.
Deacon looked nervously between the two of us, and he was the only reason I
didn’t lay into Kale. “There is nothing to talk about. I’m not leaving you here
to rot in this cell, the same way you didn’t leave me with Laurent. I know what
I want from this, and that’s you. We will figure out a way to make it work.”
I headed out the door without
looking back. Jace stood in the hallway, waiting for me. He hated bringing me
down here. He worried that Kale wouldn’t be able to resist temptation and break
through the bars to attack me, although we already knew that he couldn’t get out
unless the door was opened for him.
Little did Jace know he was
worried about the wrong person opening those damned bars. I missed the feel of
Kale’s arms around me and his kiss. I was so angry that I couldn’t touch him
that sometimes I wanted to risk opening those doors, if only for a second.
“Let’s go?” Jace asked.
“No, I need to wait for
Deacon.” I passed Jace and headed towards the living area.
“Why? You just saw him. What
do you need to say to him that you couldn’t have said to him down there?” He
looked annoyed. He hated coming here, but that was part of the agreement when I
said I would leave and stay at the lodge with him.
I rolled my eyes. “None of
your business, Jace.” I continued past him to the restroom.
When I was done, I entered
the living room where Mia was sitting on the sofa. Deacon was leaning against
the bar, smiling into his phone. I smiled. He and his girl were great together,
even with the threat of La Luxure.
I stood off to the side,
willing him to look at me. When he did, I pointed to the door, silently asking
him to meet me outside. He nodded. I put on my coat and headed out the glass
door. He followed me.
“I need you to take me to the
Deacon’s eyes widened, and he
shook his head no.
“I need to figure out how
Kale and I can stay together, and I only have one solution for this.”
Deacon frowned. “Look, Ella—”
“No, you look. I know you
would do whatever it would take to be with Chelle. You would kill, maim and
fight, and all I’m asking you to do is help your best friend do the same.”
“Yeah, you are right, but you
seem to forget something, here.” Deacon placed his arms across his chest and
towered over me. He was intimidatingly massive, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.
“I am not your best friend. My best friend has already made his request
of me, and I’ve followed through. We made this plan before you came back in
order to protect you, and I promise you, there is nothing you can say or do to
make me go back on my part of the deal.” Deacon’s tone was rough and
unyielding, and a part of me broke.
Though I didn’t show it, I
could feel my heart tearing in two. Jace couldn’t help me; he’d finally
admitted that his “sabbatical” from the Council meant he’d defected. Darke was
missing and presumed dead.
Deacon, my last hope, was
turning me down.
His lips thinned as he moved
closer to me. “Don’t do that.”
My brow furrowed in
confusion. “Don’t do what?” Why was my voice nothing but a whisper? I needed to
be stronger—I had to be.
“Cry. Please don’t cry.” His
voice had softened, but his gaze still didn’t waver.
I touched my cheeks,
surprised to find them wet. I sighed and turned away. Deacon didn’t need to see
me cry, and though I wanted to use my tears to make him bend to my will, I knew
that that wasn’t going to work with him.
“Tell me why you want me to
defy Kale and take you to those people.”
“I need—”
Jace came outside. He looked
from me then to Deacon, no doubt wondering why I was crying. His expression
hardened, and he held his hand out to me. “Let’s go, Ella. Please.”
“Start the car. I will be out
after I say goodbye to Kale.” I turned back to the pensive Deacon. Jace stood
there for a moment longer before he turned around and headed back into the
Deacon stared at me. Not only
had I not convinced him to help me, he might actually relay my request to Kale.
“Just think about it, Deacon.
If I can get Aleixandre to change me into an immortal, then Kale and I would
have forever to figure out how to keep La Luxure at bay.”
Deacon’s gaze held mine and
betrayed nothing of his thoughts.
“It’s my only option. I know
that he is strong enough to beat this, and I think if he has something to look
forward to… well, then maybe he will try harder, fight harder— Hell, I don’t
know, but I can’t do this without him, and I can’t do it without you.” I place
my arm on his. “Please. Please just think about it.”
Inger Iversen:
Who is Inger Iversen? Just some chick that loves to read and write. Inger lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching re-runs of True Blood, lusting after Alcide or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15923170-awakened
My site: www.ingeriversen.com
Who is Inger Iversen? Just some chick that loves to read and write. Inger lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching re-runs of True Blood, lusting after Alcide or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15923170-awakened
My site: www.ingeriversen.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Truth About Letting Go Book Blitz
A companion to The Truth About Faking (not a sequel; the books can be read out of order), The Truth About Letting Go (link) takes readers back to Shadow Falls, or more specifically Shadow Creek, with Ashley Lockett as she learns about real friendship, love, and letting go.
The Truth About Letting Go (link)
by Leigh Talbert Moore
Ashley wants to smash everything in her once-perfect life.
Charlotte wants to walk in Ashley's seemingly charmed shoes.
Colt wants to turn Smalltown USA on its ear--with Ashley at his side.
Jordan wants to follow his heart... but Ashley is the one sacrifice he never expected to make.
Up until now, Ashley Lockett has always followed the rules. She's always done the right thing, played it safe, and then her ideal life is shattered when her dad dies suddenly.
Fueled by anger and grief, she vows to do everything opposite of how she lived before. She rejects safety, the rules, faith, and then she meets Jordan.
Jordan has big dreams, he's had a crush on Ashley for years, he's a great kisser... but he's also safe.
Enter Colt. He is not safe, and he's more than willing to help Ashley fulfill her vow.
Get it today on Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iTunes * Kobo
Add it on Goodreads.
I feel Colt laugh, and he looks down into my face. That’s when he seems to realize what I’ve been acutely aware of for the last several minutes—our bodies are pressed together.
“It’s awesome, yeah?” he says. “Adrenaline rush.”
“Yeah,” I breathe. “I guess.”
I’m not sure if he’s going to kiss me until he does. His mouth covers mine, and energy mixes with the alcohol flooding my body. Our tongues slide together, and I grip his shirt so I don’t collapse.
Every single bit of this is wrong, and there’s no way I’m stopping it. It’s back, that good feeling. The sadness has been pushed out again, and in its place is this rush, this rush of adrenaline like Colt said.
He pulls back and smiles at me. “We’re going to start dating. Now. You’re my partner in crime.”
About the Author:
Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist and editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.
-The Truth About Faking is her debut young adult romance (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo)
-Rouge is her first New Adult romantic suspense novel (on Amazon).
Leigh loves hearing from readers; stop by and say hello!
Blog * Facebook * Amazon Author page * Goodreads * Twitter * Tumblr
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
YA Paranormal Hop
Yay! Bring on the weird, the unusual and the wack~a~doodle! Oh wait, that last one's me. I'll be giving one winner a $10 Amazon GC code to pick a YA paranormal book they have on their wish list. Below are a few of my favorites.
Purgatory Reign by LM Preston - Review & Giveaway
Something evil this way comes...sadly for it, Peter Saints awaits.
Peter Saint's life stinks. But things are about to get much worst. First, his parents are murdered in front of him. Then another victim dies in his arms. Visions plague Peter with warnings that something wants him for a sinister cause. It desires the one thing that Peter refuses to give—his blood. Peter carries within him the one gift or curse that could unlock a secret to destroy the human race. On the run with Angel, a scruffy kid, Peter starts to unravel the mystery. It's the one treasure the heavens sought to hide from the world. Unfortunately, when Peter finds the answer that he hopes will save the girl he loves, he opens the door to a great evil that happens to be salivating to meet him.
My Thoughts:
I loved the concept of this book! At times it reminded me of an Indiana Jones movie. I liked Peter and Angel. I was a little frustrated with the whole insta-love thing. Of course this isn't the first book guilty of that. At times it felt like Peter was trying too hard. Like he was trying too hard to be the messed up, angry orphan. That didn't keep me from rooting for him the whole story through. Angel was a conundrum. She spoke Spanish, had a Hispanic name but identified herself as white. I could see why she was drawn to Peter. I thought she balanced him out nicely. Then there was Kyle. I never did warm up to him. He came off as a colossal jerk then all of a sudden he was chock-full of info. that Peter needed at just the right time.
The pure evil of Gavin and his minions gave me chills. Seriously, he was CREEP-TASTIC!
The action in this book is really good. I was biting my nails in several parts.
The ending was the best part of the ride. My heart was pounding! It left things open for more books too.
If you like good action pick this one up. If you're a bit squeamish you might not like this one. Contains mild language, moderate violence.
Preston's Web Site:
L.M. Preston's MG Facebook:
L.M. Preston's YA Facebook:
L.M. Preston's Twitter:
L.M. Preston's Blog:
L.M. Preston's YouTube:
L.M. Preston's Goodreads:
Purgatory Reign's Goodreads:
Tribute Books Blog Tours Facebook:
Purgatory Reign's blog tour site:
L.M. Preston loved to create poetry and
short-stories as a young girl. She worked in the IT field as a Techie and Educator
for over sixteen years. Her passion for writing science fiction was born under
the encouragement of her husband who was a Sci-Fi buff and her four kids. Her
obsessive desire to write and create stories of young people who overcome
unbelievable odds feeds her creation of multiple series for Middle Grade and
Young Adult readers thirsty for an adventure. She loves to write while on the
porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion
that encouraged her writing.http://www.lmpreston.com/
L.M. Preston's MG Facebook:
L.M. Preston's YA Facebook:
L.M. Preston's Twitter:
L.M. Preston's Blog:
L.M. Preston's YouTube:
L.M. Preston's Goodreads:
Purgatory Reign's Goodreads:
Tribute Books Blog Tours Facebook:
Purgatory Reign's blog tour site:
Prices/Formats: $3.99 ebook, $12.99 paperback
Ebook Release: February 16, 2013
Paperback Release: May 18, 2013
Publisher: Phenomenal One Press
ISBN: 9780985025137
Pages: 368
Kindle buy link ($3.99):
pre-order Amazon paperback buy link ($12.99):
pre-order Barnes and Noble paperback buy link ($12.99):
pre-order IndieBound paperback buy link ($12.99):
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Epic-ness. That's all there is to say.
you finished a good book and you want to know what to read next? Well
cruise on over to Forbidden Passions Reviews where Catie is promoting some
great books and warning you to avoid the not-so-great books. You can find
a ton of reviews on the “review” tab as well. She’s got a giveaway in the
works for when she reaches 1500 followers!! It will be EPIC! So why
are you still here? Go join the fun!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Random Acts of Kindness Hop
It is simply because I love you and I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I'll be giving away a $10 Amazon GC code.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
For the Love of Swoon Hop
I am ALL about the swoon! If you get that fluttery feeling in your stomach while reading a book, yep you guessed it... you've been SWOONED!
Who other than the those delicious Merrick boys to ignite the swoon in anyone?? For my stop on the hop one winner can choose an ebook copy of one of any book starring the Merrick brothers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Rapunzel Untangled: Review, Guest Post & Giveaway
For one thing, she has a serious illness that keeps her inside the mysterious Gothel Mansion. And for another, her hair is 15 feet long. Not to mention that she’s also the key to ultimately saving the world from certain destruction. But then she meets a boy named Fane, who changes all she has ever known, and she decides to risk everything familiar to find out who she really is.
Filled with romance, adventure, and mystery, Rapunzel Untangled is one story you won’t want to put down. Discover the true meaning of love and friendship in this modern twist to the classic fairytale.
Filled with romance, adventure, and mystery, Rapunzel Untangled is one story you won’t want to put down. Discover the true meaning of love and friendship in this modern twist to the classic fairytale.
My Review:
Wow! Ok, understatement of the year, I know! Words escape me on how much I enjoyed this
book. This is such an amazing twist on
the fairy tale most of us have grown up with.
The modernism makes the book easier to relate to. I love the darker aspect of the book when it
came to how demented Gothel was. Cindy
C. Bennett continues to write characters and stories that leave me
enraptured. She knows how to tell a
great story that’s suitable for young and mature readers. Rapunzel isn’t your typical damsel in
distress either. Once she figures out
her circumstances she takes control of her own destiny. Then you have Fane. Who wouldn’t fall in love with Fab Fane?! He’s caring and funny. If you’re like me, and have loved the new
faces old fairy tales are getting, you will love this story! I would also recommend reading ALL of Cindy’s
other books. She is such a great author.
My favorite thing to ask authors is what they would like if their book was turned into a movie. Here's are Cindy's thoughts on it.
If Rapunzel
Untangled were turned into a movie...
What writer doesn’t imagine their book being turned into
the latest Hollywood blockbuster? Okay, there are probably some, but I’m not
one of them. When I write, it see it all in my mind like it’s a real movie
playing. I have a tendency to write in “scenes” that I can absolutely picture.
So, if Rapunzel
Untangled were turned into a book, how would I see it? Let’s start with who
would play the characters. Rapunzel,
being the main character, is probably the most important. I can picture a few
different actresses playing her: Saoirse Ronin, Dakota Fanning, Dianna Agron.
Probably my top pick would be a blonde Emma Watson.
She has that fragile and
yet tough look about her that I imagine in Rapunzel.
Fane would be nearly as important because he’s the reason
Rapunzel first reaches out beyond her tower. Alex Pettyfer and Zac Efron would
be great, but my top pick would be Matthew Lewis. Yup, Neville Longbottom
outgrew that gawkiness to become quite the cutie (although as a fan of geeks, I
kinda liked the awkward version of him). The thing is, he can play both goofy
and serious, which is needed for Fane, and he’s tall, another requirement.
Besides, who wouldn’t want to see Hermione and Neville kiss?
Gothel would be the last main character who’s important
to the story. I have to admit that as I wrote her I imagined the amazing
Angelica Huston as Gothel. No one plays controlled insanity like she can.
The scene I would look most forward to watching from the
book on the big screen is their first meeting, when he’s awed by her hair, and
she’s amazed by his goatee—and the fact that he’s the first human she’s had
contact with outside of Gothel. There’s heavy emotion in that scene, and the
way they look at one another sets the feeling for their relationship from there
on out. I intended it to come across as intense yet showing Fane’s playfulness,
so I’d love to see that translated on screen.
I’ve watched a few things being filmed, commercials and
such, and the whole behind-the-scenes thing fascinates me endlessly. I’m one of
those people who greedily watches extras on DVD’s to see how the movie was made.
If it has footage of rehearsals, I practically go ballistic. I watch the movie
with the commentary, and again with closed captioning. I go to IMDB and read
all the trivia posted about the movie. I love to read all about the secrets of
filmmaking, so it would be far more thrilling for me to be able to be on set
every day watching the process of filmmaking than actually being on screen. If
the filmmakers wanted a cameo from me, maybe I could be one of Fane’s aunts who
are only involved for a few seconds of screen time. Otherwise, I’d just feel
blessed to be allowed to observe the process.
Of course, this is all nothing more than pipe dreams. But
then again, pipe dreams are what create the best of art sometimes, right? So
I’ll just keep on dreaming—and writing.
About the Author
When she's not writing, reading, or answering emails (notice there's no mention of cleaning, cooking, or anything remotely domestic), she can often be found riding her Harley through the beautiful canyons near her home. (Yes, she rides a Harley.)
Cindy’s Blog http://cindybennett.blogspot.com/
Rapunzel Untangled Blog http://rapunzeluntangled.blogspot.com/
Cindy’s Twitter https://twitter.com/cinbennett
Cindy’s Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4116333.Cindy_C_BennettBook Blast: Forever My Girl by Heidi McLaughlin
Forever My Girl
I was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after.
I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was leaving. I was young. I made the right decision for me, but the wrong decision for us. I’ve poured my soul into my music, but I’ve never forgotten her. Her smell, her smile.
And now I’m going back.
After ten years.
I hope I can explain that after all this time.
I still want her to be my forever girl
USA Today Best Selling Novel
"Seeing both sides of the story helped connect me to both main characters and given the complicated situation they were in, it was really well done."
"Loved this book, loved all the characters, they were very relatable, and really enjoyed the story line."
"Loved this book, loved all the characters, they were very relatable, and really enjoyed the story line."
Author Heidi McLaughlin
My grandma once told me that I can do anything I want, so I am.
Originally from the Pacific Northwest, I now live in picturesque Vermont, with my husband and two daughters. Also renting space in our home is an overhyper Beagle/Jack Russell and two Parakeets.
During the day you’ll find me behind a desk talking about Land Use. At night, I’m writing one of the many stories I plan to release or sitting courtside during either daughter’s basketball games.
I’m also an active reviewer on The Readiacs.
BookBlast $50 Giveaway
Ends 2/24/13
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer http://iamareader.com and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, February 11, 2013
Phantom Book Blast
Phantom by Laura DeLuca
The “Phantom” was a musical phenomenon that Rebecca had always found enchanting. She had no idea that her life was about to mirror the play that was her obsession. When her high school drama club chooses “Phantom” as their annual production, Rebecca finds herself in the middle of an unlikely love triangle and the target of a sadistic stalker who uses the lines from the play as their calling card.
Rebecca lands the lead role of Christine, the opera diva, and like her character, she is torn between her two co-stars—Tom the surfer and basketball star who plays the lovable hero, and Justyn, the strangely appealing Goth who is more than realistic in the role of the tortured artist.
Almost immediately after casting, strange things start to happen both on and off the stage. Curtains fall. Mirrors are shattered. People are hurt in true phantom style. They all seem like accidents until Rebecca receives notes and phone calls that hint at something more sinister. Is Justyn bringing to life the twisted character of the phantom? Or in real life are the roles of the hero and the villain reversed? Rebecca doesn’t know who to trust, but she knows she’s running out of time as she gets closer and closer to opening night. Only when the mask is stripped away, will the twenty first century phantom finally be revealed.
The orchestra tuned for its virtuoso, and Justyn stood
ready. But no one else was ready for the magical performance he began. Beside
her, Carmen was rambling on about something mundane. Rebecca elbowed her to
silence so she could listen to the perfectly thrilling tenor. As she listened
to the song unfold, the world around her started to slip away. Gone was the
high school auditorium. Gone were the rowdy teenagers. The Gothic stranger on
the stage had become the embodiment of Erik, and Rebecca watched him in all his
dark glory, belting out his tormented love through the words of his song. And
she was as breathless with wonder as Christine herself must have been when the
masked stranger serenaded her in the candlelit labyrinth of the opera house. In
that moment, Justyn wasn’t just portraying the phantom. Justyn was the phantom.
“Let the music touch your soul.
Let the darkness make you whole.
Do not fear what is
Your true path has now been shown.
Listen to the words I sing.
Embrace the peace that night will
As he continued
to sing in his deep but somehow angelic voice, Rebecca found that she couldn’t
tear her eyes away from him. With every line, her heart began to beat
faster. She truly felt the arms of night
wrapping her in a warm embrace. She could almost feel the hands of the phantom
glide along her body as the words poured forth. The music caressed her. It
possessed her—mind, body and soul. Each word left her longing, yearning for
She was gawking
so obviously, it was hardly surprising when Justyn felt her eyes on him and
steadily met her gaze. She realized her mouth was hanging open in stunned awe,
and she quickly snapped it shut. His lips moved into just a small hint of a
smile. He never took his eyes off her while he sang the final verse, making her
cheeks flush to the point that she felt almost feverish. But it wasn’t
embarrassment but excitement, arousal even, which was sending her mind spinning
in so many directions.
When the song
was over, and Rebecca had recovered just a hint of her composure, she couldn’t
help but burst into a healthy round of applause. A few scattered people joined
in, including Debbie and Carmen after she nudged them in the ribs. But only
Miss King seemed to truly appreciate the brilliance of his talent as much as
Rebecca did.
“That was
amazing, Justyn!” the teacher gushed.
“Lord Justyn,”
he corrected as he stepped down from the stage.
A few others
complimented him as well, but he took in all in stride. In fact, his serious
expression never faltered as he stepped down from the stage. He seemed almost
bored, like it was all he could do to hold back a yawn, despite the smiles and
words of encouragement.
But not everyone
in the crowd was pleased as Justyn glided down the aisle, so ethereal in his
dark garments that he still resonated the spirit of the Opera Ghost. Miss King
might have been excited about the newest male addition to her cast after being
limited for many years, but Tom and his group of boisterous companions glared
at him as he passed them by. Jay sneered
and tossed a balled up piece of paper in Justyn’s direction, but the Goth was
quick, and caught it in his hand without missing a beat.
“I think you
dropped something,” he said.
His speaking voice
was no less melodic than his singing voice, but something about his tone made
Rebecca shiver. He tossed the paper back at Jay, who was nowhere near as
coordinated as Justyn. He practically fell off his seat in his efforts to catch
“Hey vampire,”
Tom called when Justyn went to walk away. “Are you sure you can handle the
Justyn smiled, a
cool, sarcastic half-smile, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you?”
Miss King didn’t
notice the short confrontation, and Justyn vanished from the auditorium as
quickly and mysteriously as he had appeared. Only Rebecca had noticed the very
real tension between the two boys. She wondered if it was a bad omen for them
to start off the production with hard feelings and envy. That could only lead
to trouble. The kind of trouble that could end with someone getting hurt. The kind of trouble that Rebecca would do
whatever it took to avoid.
Laura “Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children. She loves writing in the young adult genre because it keeps her young at heart. In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the sole author of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. She is an active member of her local pagan community, and has been studying Wicca for close to eight years.

BookBlast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 2/22/13
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Friday, February 8, 2013
Winged Blog Tour Guest Post by L.M. Pruitt
I fell from the Talmadge Bridge the week before I turned thirty.
I was given a choice: Go to Heaven. Go back to my life in Savannah. Or spend eternity fighting evil under the direction of the archangels.
I chose the demons--and the angels.
I chose the Winged.
I was given a choice: Go to Heaven. Go back to my life in Savannah. Or spend eternity fighting evil under the direction of the archangels.
I chose the demons--and the angels.
I chose the Winged.
Making the Choice
Every day we’re faced with choices. Some of them are fairly
frivolous—should I wear the green shirt or the blue? Regular or decaf coffee?
Listen to this CD or that one? Some are more intense—should I take this job?
Should I move halfway across the country? Should I marry this person?
Nobody ever really wakes up in the morning and wonders to
their self—Would I give my life for someone else?
For some professions it is there, tucked away in the back of
people’s minds. Every time a uniformed officer “clocks in”, there’s the
possibility that a call is going to go wrong. That the officer’s life is going
to be placed in danger. Every time a firefighter or somebody working as an
emergency medical service staff member answer a call there’s the possibility
that something is going to go horribly, terribly wrong. This is something they
live with every single day they go in to work.
And they do it anyway.
We respect them for it, almost revere them. When the Twin
Towers fell on 9/11, the outpouring of emotion for the fallen firefighters and
police officers of the NYPD and NYFD was overwhelming. The pilots who
purposefully crashed their plane to prevent any further attacks hold the same
exalted place in the American pantheon of heroes. A hundred years from now
their sacrifice will still be remembered, no matter what else has happened
between then and now.
Because they didn’t have to do it.
Like I mentioned before, there’s not an individual in those
careers who has never, not once, imagined the possibility of dying in the line
of duty. But even then, it’s not something you consciously remember. It’s not
something that sits in the back of your mind every single second of every
single day. It’s not something that you have an absolute
this-is-what-I’m-going-to-do plan for.
Every emergency service person who went into those buildings knew the possibility of not making it out alive. And they went in anyway.
I can’t speak for others, but I wouldn’t have thought less of any of them for saying no. For saying they wanted to go home to their families and friends. That they wanted the chance to finish living their lives. I can’t think less of them, because I can honestly say I don’t know what I would do if faced with the same choice.
They made the hardest of choices—am I willing to give my life for someone else? For the remote possibility that someone else can live?
They made the ultimate sacrifice.
Now that I’ve either made you think or made you cry or maybe even both, the only thing I’m going to say about WINGED is that it’s not only police and firefighters and EMTs and soldiers who make that sacrifice. Sometimes it’s ordinary people.
Like a librarian.
L.M. Pruitt
Amazon Best Selling Author of The Jude Magdalyn Series
Amazon Best Selling Author of The Moon Rising Series
Amazon Best Selling Author of The Moon Rising Series
Join her on Facebook: L.M.
**Winged** Available February 5!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Review: Pulse by Patrick Carman
In riveting action scenes, Faith demonstrates her ability to use her pulse against a group of telekinesis masters so powerful they will flatten their enemies by uprooting street lights, moving boulders, and changing the course of a hurtling hammer so that it becomes a deadly weapon. But even with great talent, the mind—and the heart—can be difficult to control. If Faith wants to join forces with Dylan and save the world, she’ll have to harness the power of both.
My Thoughts:
Allow me to start by saying there will be people who love this book. I am just not one of them. I can sum it up like this...I didn't really care what happened to the characters. I didn't connect to them. They were likable, but I didn't LOVE them. I also didn't know what was really happening until page 201. 201!! Once I did find out why the world was the way it was and why the characters were doing what they were doing I was left with a feeling of indifference. Maybe that was due to the fact that the main character was so blase' about her own circumstances. The author did a good job of conveying the landscape and the world in which the characters interacted. That's what helped me get through to the end. It wasn't even very clear who the real antagonist was until the very end. But like I said before, this book is someone else's cup of tea.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
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