
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Review: Frosted by Wendy Sparrow

Image and description from
Book purchased from Amazon because it looked delicious!

After falling through the ice one cold day, Kate is saved by a mysterious man named Jack and ends up marrying him. Come to find out she's committed herself to the king of winter himself. Now Kate has cold feet about their life together…and cold everything else.

She doesn't think Jack will miss her if she packs up and runs away to Colorado. After all, she's been in living in sunny Florida for seven years, and he hasn't managed to come see her. But Jack has one last chance of convincing his runaway bride to come back to him, and he won't give up until he breaks through the ice that's frosted her heart.

My Thoughts:  

I don't know why, but I seem to have a huge crush on Jack Frost.  This version of him definitely encourages it.  He sounds like he would give any woman the shivers.  This story was a fantastic romance with just the right touch of fantasy.  I appreciated that Kate had real problems and issues holding her back from her relationship with Jack.  Not to mention it would be a little disconcerting to think you'd be surrounded by snow and ice all the time with only one other person for company.  That would give any normal person cold feet.  Pun intended.  The Winter World sounds AMAZING.  I loved the way the author described it and I wish there had been more.  I wanted to know more about the winter fae.  I guess when a book makes you want more, it's pretty good.  This was a fast read with light sexual content and no bad language.

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