
Friday, October 26, 2012

YA Mythology Giveaway Hop - INT

I am SO excited for this hop!!  I LOVE all the new takes on mythology that are coming out.  My love started with the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series and has just kept growing!  Here you can win an ebook of one of my favorite new twists to Greek Mythology...Persephone. 

There are worse things than death, worse people too

The “talk” was bad enough, but how many teens get told that they’re a goddess? When her mom tells her, Persephone is sure her mother has lost her mind. It isn’t until Boreas, the god of winter, tries to abduct her that she realizes her mother was telling the truth. Hades rescues her, and in order to safely bring Persephone to the Underworld he marks her as his bride. But Boreas will stop at nothing to get Persephone. Despite her growing feelings for Hades, Persephone wants to return to the living realm. Persephone must find a way to defeat Boreas and reclaim her life.


  1. I am actually a huge fan of Persephone and Hades. ^_^ So I am really excited and hopefull for this book.

  2. I adore Persephone and Hades! This book was already on my wishlist! My fingers and toes are crossed. :)

  3. I really like Norse Mythology in general since it's not as common as Greek/Roman Mythology.

  4. i adore greek and roman mytology and my fave diety is athena

  5. Poseidon Is defiantly my favorite! I'm a water person!

  6. I love water so Poseidon would be my favourite :) But love anything to do with mythology

  7. I like Loki... He's a good villain!

  8. I love Loki the trickster present in so many cultures

  9. I love Athena she is just so head strong and awesome.

  10. I always liked Athena. You gotta love that the Greeks made the god of wisdom and the rational side of war a woman!

  11. I have always been intrigued by Athena

  12. I have always been a fan of mythology but Poseidon is my favorite. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  13. Psyche and Eros are some of my favorites

  14. Wow. there are quite a few that I like, but I think Hades is my favorite.

  15. I love The Furies and The Fates. Very intriguing!

  16. I love the Arthurian legends. They're beautiful stories of love, friendship, loyalty and betrayal with magic thrown in!

  17. Aphrodite has always been my favorite - I think because I loved her in Xena :)

  18. My favorite is Persephone, just like the tittle of this book. Thanks for this giveaway.

  19. I don't really have a favorite. :)

  20. I love Athena!!! Though I also love the other gods and goddesses of other mythology... I really like their names...

    Thank you for this chance!!!

  21. I've always loved Persephone! And Hades. They are both interesting stories!

  22. My favorite myth character is Athena

  23. Hard to decide. Hercules.

    Thanks for Ebook giveaway; book depository doesn't ship to my country.

    (from Azerbaijan)

  24. Artemis, not because is my name but I think she was the most interesting godess. She was the protector of the animal and plant life, wildlife, goddess of the hunt, protector of motherhood, youth, purity, birth and babies.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  25. Poseidon is my favorite! Love that he can control the oceans!

  26. Persephone is actually my favourite! I played her role way back in Grade 8 in school, and she's been my fave since then!

  27. My favorite mythological characters are actually Persephone and Hades! Something about the versatility of their story really draws me to it. Thanks so much for the cool giveaway opportunity!


  28. Congratulations on your 'almost' 1000 followers - I would love a follow back. Thanks

  29. Hey there! I came over to help you get to 1000 followers! I'm a new follower (via GFC) from over at Book Blogs. I hope you reach 1000 very soon! I'm currently having 2 giveaways if you'd like to enter. Just click on the giveaways tab at the top of my blog to check them out! I would absolutely love if you'd stop by for a visit and follow back if you would like! :) Here's the link: MaMa's Book Corner I hope you have an amazing weekend!

  30. My favourite myth are Greek, i love it. I took courses all through university. I enjoy other myths as well, but greek is favourite.

  31. Poseidon is my favorite mythological character and of course I enjoyed the movie "Poseidon" very much also. It seemed an appropriate title for happened to the people on that boat. Thank you for your generosity and this amazing giveaway! :D (Angie Edwards)

  32. My favorite mythology character would have to be Poseidon.


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