
Monday, June 11, 2012

Character Interview with Sykes from Betrayed by Ednah Walters

I am dizzy with excitement today!  Why the EXTRA crazy you ask?  Because today I have an interview with the delectable Sykes from Ednah Walters' book Betrayed.   After the interview, once you've had your cold shower, I'll give you my review of the book and some great links to check out.

Jeannette (opens the door): Sykes, welcome to my…ooh...chocolate.

Sykes: I was told you were a chocolate-eating-sweet-tea-drinking-sassy bookaholic, so I found the best chocolate this side of the world.

Jeannette: Thank you. Please, have a seat. Would you like some tea?

Sykes:  I’ll pass, but I’ll have a hug. (Sykes hugs her)

Jeannette:  Let me guess. You love hugs?

Sykes:  The best excuse to get a pretty woman into my arms without their men getting antsy.

Jeannette (laughs and wiggles out of his arms): You are impossible and I’ll have you know I’m a happily  married woman. I was told you’d try to charm your way out of answering my questions.

Sykes (amber eyes widen as he gives her an innocent smile): Me? I tend to charm my way into…you know…things, not out of them.

Jeannette: Okay, you naughty man. Sit and let’s catch up. (Jeannette grins as he reclines on a chair, skin visible through various rips on his jeans, expensive canvas shoes a bit chaffed and a tank shirt that showed his masculine arms)

Sykes (wiggles his brows): You keep staring at me like that and I’ll forget you are married.

Jeannette (blushes): Okay. Let’s get started. Tell us, what is the one thing a girl can do to melt that tough guy exterior?

Sykes: Tough? Me? I think I need an image adjustment. I’m the easiest going guy around here. I mean, have you met Bran and Remy? *rolls his eyes* Talk about intense and anal.

Jeannette: What kind of girl will it take to tame you?  Besides Lil, of course. 

Sykes: There will be no taming me. I’m me—take me as I am or leave me alone kind of guy. Lil is, uh… *sighs*…she would like to see me change, become more serious, but that’s not me.   

Jeannette:  If Bran wasn’t around, would you chase her?

Sykes (chuckles): Absolutely. I’m old fashion that way. I believe in doing the courting.

Jeannette (laughs): Nice. So how do you feel about southern girls?

Sykes: Classy. Charming. Love them. Actually, my secret is I love girls, period. It doesn’t matter what size, color or height. Girls…women are fascinating.

Jeannette: Once the war is over, if it ever is, what do you dream about doing?

Sykes (stops smiling and sits up): Is that a trick question? This war is never ending.

Jeannette: But what if?

Sykes (shakes his head): I’m a hunter. It’s what I do best. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Jeannette: What do you do when not hunting?

Sykes: I hang out with Remy and the gang, or the girl I’m dating. 

Jeannette: Do you think, or hope, Ednah will do a spin-off series about you?  I gotta tell ya, I’m really hoping so.

Sykes (stares into space with nostalgic expression): It would be nice to meet a woman that can make me forget about…stuff. (Flashes a smile, the brief bad mood forgotten) Of course. She’d better find me a mate in a year or so. No, make it three years. I still need to find myself.

Jeannette: Does that mean you’re lost?

Sykes (winks): Would you like to find out? I’m free this weekend.

Jeannette (laughs):  Don’t tempt me. If you could meet one person past, present or future, who would it be? 

Sykes: In my world? The Goddess Xenia. In your world? Kurt Cobain. I love Nirvana.

Jeannette: Ok, tell us one thing, one secret, about Sykes that no one else knows.  Something that gives us a little more insight to the guy you are.

Sykes: Promise not to tell?

Jeannette: Promise.

Sykes: I’m a bookaholic just like you. Espionage…murder mystery…courtroom drama…poetry.  Only Remy knows about it and he swore not to tell. If the girls find out, it will spoil my image.

Jeannette: Which is what?

Sykes (grins):  A semi-illiterate, ignorant slacker. Haven’t you noticed how Izzy is always yapping at me to read more?

Jeannette (laughs):  I have. Well, I’m happy you are not semi-illiterate or a slacker. I promise to keep your little secret too.

Sykes (stands up): Thank you. Now I’ll have one more hug before I leave.  Duty calls.

Sykes holds Jeannette just a little longer then steps back. Am I allowed to kiss you too?

Jeannette: My hubby might start world war three if you did.

Sykes (laughs): Then I’d better go. I hope we meet again, Jeannette.

~Sigh~  Well, he melts me faster than hot pan melts butter!  Whew!!  Ok, please check out my review below and do your best to wipe the tongue streaks off your monitor.  Oh, come on!  You know you what you did.  Bahahaha!

Betrayed (The Guardian Legacy, #2)

Ednah Walters continues her impressive streak!  Just like Awakened, Betrayed has risen above other books in this genre.  She has created such an amazing world for her Guardians & demons where good and evil are not as simple as it seems they should be.  The complex relationships between Lil & Bran, as well as, Lil and her father are so pragmatic.  You can feel the push and pull of emotions as Lil figures out who she must trust.  It's so refreshing to have a heroine who has to learn to struggle with normal problems along with her not so normal ones.  I enjoyed some of the new characters in the series like Celeste, Solange & Dante.  I hope we see more of them.  I am on pins & needles waiting for the next book.  Anyone looking for a fresh & original read in the Angel/Demon world will enjoy this series.

Awakened (The Guardian Legacy, #1)  Betrayed (The Guardian Legacy, Book 1)

WAIT!!  There's more!

Ednah is hosting this spectacular giveaway!  There's also a list of the other blogs on the tour so you won't miss out on a thing.


  1. Hi, Jeanette! I just saw your email on Book Blogs and rushed right over! And OMG, what a surprise! I found your delightful character interview with Sykes, from Ednah Walters's series, and now I'm hooked -- gotta get these books!! So then I went ahead and entered the giveaway! WOOOO!!!

    Anyway, here's my blog URL again, just in case yo see this comment before you read my message on Book Blogs:

    Thank you so much for letting me know you'll follow back! You're SUPER nice!! Have a GREAT week!! I'll be back!! <3

  2. Love the character interview! So fun! I look forward to reading this book.

  3. Great interview. Thanks for the look into the book and the chance to win.

  4. Thank you for the fun interview, am I ever glad I'm a hugger LOL

  5. Omg I Am So In Love With This Interview Sigh. I Want More.

  6. Chocolate and a hugger?! OMG! What a dream combination! Loved the interview and review. Thank you so much for making this tour so much fun! I can't wait to read the book!

  7. Sykes gets all the girls, doesn't he? LOL


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