
Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Birthday/500 Follower Giveaway

It's my Birthday!!  One of the best gifts I've received is having over 500 followers!  I hope all of them have enjoyed at least one or two of my ramblings and reviews.  I appreciate EVERY one of you!
So to show my appreciation and to celebrate the 7th anniversary of my 29th birthday I'm giving away TWO prizes I, myself, would love.  Just fill out that adorable little rafflecopter.  Thanks!


  1. I got the Inspiron duo laptop tablet last year I love it best of both worlds Happy Birthday and congrats on 500 such a great gift lol!

  2. Happy Birthday and congrats on the 500 achievement!
    Uhm... the best bday present? Definitely my Kindle!!! :)

  3. Happy birthday! Have a great day! The best birthday present I've gotten in my kindle and my puppy! :)

  4. Happy Birthday! :) Your blog is soo damn cute! Thank you for stopping by mine... Hope you have an amazing day and get spoilt rotten. Great giveaway xx

  5. Happy Birthday and congrats on reaching 500+! The best present I've ever received has to be the little chihuahua puppy my parents got me two years ago (he was an early birthday present)!!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway too :)

    Beverley x
    A Reading Daydreamer

  6. Your 7th anniversary...hee hee! Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday present ever? My Kitchen Aid Mixer, hands down. Makes snickerdoodle baking so much easier!

  7. It was my 10th birthday and I received an American Girl doll that I had been wanting forever. I was so excited! I actually still have her and have given her to my daughter.

  8. Hi! Thanks for this giveaway, I love your blog (first time!)
    One of the best present I got was my Kobo ereader, because I wanted one so bad!!!! Thanks to my boyfriend to totally understand my needs! LOL

  9. I love the Kindle I got last year for my birthday. Very useful present!

  10. Your blog is really sweet, it's gorgeous. Well done for the 500 followers that's great! I've only got 63 but I love my followers so I'm not complaining LOL! :)

  11. I guess the best birthday present I have ever received would be the candlelit dinner my husband prepared for me.
    It was a surprise that I came home to after a 10 hour shift at work.

  12. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    My best birthday present was when my partner at the time agreed we could adopt a rescue cat. She was my best gal for many years - in fact, she still is in spirit!

    Have a great day!!!

  13. Happy Birthday! And congrats on the followers! :)

    Best birthday present I ever received was a shopping spree to Barnes and Nobles curtsy of my best friend and uncle :)

  14. tickets to see Wicked and dinner in the city with my sweetie.

  15. Happy Birthday and what a cool thing to do!

  16. Happy birthday!! :D Hmm, I've had a ton of great gifts, but maybe the Nsync concert tickets I got when I was 9. :P

  17. Happy Birthday Jeanette. I hope you have a great day. My best present ever would have to be my KINDLE.

  18. Oh gosh that's a hard one, probably my camera but I've had some awesome gifts over the years.

  19. Hmm, best birthday present...? that is tough only because I haven't gotten anything much the last few years. I LOVE it when my father in law gets me Starbucks gift cards though :-) Especially since the grandkids were the only ones supposed to be getting birthday gifts and I was the only adult child to get one

  20. spending it with people I care about... I don't remember getting a really awesome materialistic birthday present yet..

  21. Getting married! I got married the day after my 21st birthday 15 years ago and it was fantastic!

  22. Happy Birthday and YAH for 500 followers. I do believe I was 500, so that puts me in a good position to win, right? Just kidding. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Happy Birthday and books for sure plus a bracelet from my parents.

  24. Happy Birthday! That is so cool you are doing a giveaway for your birthday! Congrats on your 500 followers! I have 21 and I get excited every time someone likes what I do enough to follow me. I hope you Party rock!

  25. Happy Birthday and congrats on the 500 achievement!
    A necklace and earrings and a bracelet
    from my daughter.

  26. Oh and my best birthday present I ever had was my Kindle from my four boys and husband!

  27. The best birthday present I've ever received was a car for my 18th birthday from my parents.

    Happy Birthday and Congrats on the 500 followers! :)

  28. My favorite birthday present ever was piano lessons from my dad and step-mother. I was very surprised and loved them! I'm glad I found your blog from visiting Forbidden Passions Reviews. Happy Birthday to you!!

  29. My mom and my sister snuck around Florence, while the three of us were in Italy, and bought me an antique book which they kept hidden for a week and gave to me in Rome. :)

    Happy Birthday!

  30. The best birthday present I ever had was my first camera. Congrats darling!

  31. Happy birthday to youu~
    The best birthday present I received was a Nikon DSLR from my parents :)

  32. Firstly Congrats and best wishes to you!
    My best birthday present would have to be my kindle last year!

  33. Happy Birthday! Best b-day present I received was the XBox 360! :)


  34. The best birthday presents that I receive are money. It gives me the ambition to save up and get something that I really want for myself :)

    Happy Birthday! :)

  35. The best birthday present I received was my first laptop from my hubby and SIL!

    Have a great birthday!!


  36. Happy Birthday!!! My best birthday present was my laptop.

  37. An engagement ring from boyfriend(now husband).

  38. Happy Birthday and congrats on the follower milestone. Hmm, I could not say what my best birthday present has been. I truly love the quiet dinner out to a nice restaurant with just my husband with no rush to go anywhere afterwards.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  39. Happy bday and congrats!

    Best gift i got was a laptop

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  40. In 2010, I gave myself a gift right before my birthday....I quit smoking after over 20 years (I started when I was just barely a teen). It has been about 1 1/2 years and I have not smoked since :)

  41. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!! Best Birthday present was that I was going to be able to take part in an foreign exchange during my Junior year of High School. I lived a little over 10 months in Spain!

  42. Happy B-Day! The best b-day present I ever received was my sweet tuxedo kitty! She was a healing gift for me because I had lost my other cat and missed him so much.

  43. The best presents I've received were books like the complete Sookie Stackhouse series! Or when I was little I always loved getting the latest Nintendo or PlayStation. Thanks for the giveaway and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :-D

  44. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    Happy Birthday!

    The best presents I got were my dog and the Vampire Academy books:)

    Thanks so much, have a great time celebrating:)

  45. Happy Birthday & Congrats on the 500 followers! The best present I got for my birthday was a gorgeous diamond heart necklace from my husband. And books of course! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  46. Big congratulations on your birthday and 500 followers! I collect Swarovski Crystal Miniatures and anytime I get one as a gift for my birthday is a great gift! Thanks for the giveaway.

  47. Family is the best birthday present I have every year. No matter where my kids are, they call me and tell me how much they love me.

  48. Happy Birthday! I would say my oldest he was born 2 months before my 30th birthday! Nothing like holding the little bugger. Now he'll be 5 on the 10th!

  49. Happy Birthday! My birthday is very near Christmas so it's usually bypassed. I guess money is the best gift I've ever gotten.

  50. Happy Birthday! And the best gift I've ever gotten was $50 to spend on books. :D

  51. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY !! The best present i ever received was a car from my bf. I was like 20 and i could not believe that my bf would actually spend that kind of money lol.. BUT I WAS VERY HAPPY..

  52. Congrats and Happy Birthday!

    My favorite gift was my Nook Color. :-)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Happy Birthday and Cangratulations!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ok so as lame as it sounds my best birthday present is my most recent one and I got a remote control starter for my car! I love it and it was amazing!

  54. Happy Birthday! My favorite present was my an engagement ring.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  55. Happy Birthday, Hope you have a wonderful day:)

    The best birthday gift i have evergot... Hmm was when my kids and hubbie cook breakfast for me in bed and then took me to the book store:)


  56. Happy Birthday and congrats on 500!
    Hmmm..well my most memorable one, my husband threw me a surprise party for my 30th. He invited family and friends and because he knew I was concerned about turning 30, he decided to catch me off guard and handcuff me to a walker! I was a good sport and went with it, I mean really what could I do, I was handcuffed! And the cake was an old lady using a walker who's boobs sagged to the floor. It was all in fun and I loved it. LOL

  57. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on 500 followers. The best birthday present I received was diamond earrings.

  58. one of my birthdays my FIL got me a free hair cut and color. :) i was super excited for that! :) normally i dont get much for my bday, mostly christmas time is when i get spoiled. i don't mind tho. as long as i have dinner with friends and family i'm good. :)

    Happy Birthday & Congrats on 500 followers!

  59. Happy Birthday!! The best birthday present was when my husband got me a new car 14 years ago.

  60. Happy birthday! :)
    My best b-day present was from my best friend. She took this big picture with a lot of people holding a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign, it was so surreal..

  61. I think the best birthday present was probably my mp3 player. I'm a music junkie and use it all the time. Almost filled the 32GB storage.

    Congrats on the followers and happy birthday!


  62. My daughter. She came a week before my birthday, but she will always be the best present ever. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  63. My son Casey.....I conceived him on my present ever and my best friend in the world.

  64. Best birthday present...probably an opal ring from my mom. She gave me a pink diamond on my sixteenth birthday, so it was pretty special to get the opal on my twenty-first. Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday!!

  65. Best birthday present ever was definitely my Kindle!
    Hope you have an awesome birthday!

  66. My best birthday was my laptop computer! It is so pretty, a lovely plum color!

    Happy Birthday!

  67. Hmmmmm best birthday I think was 21. Went with my besties to a comedy club and had a blast!

  68. Happy birthday & congrats =) I've had a lot of great birthday presents but best present was probably when my husband took me to New York four years ago for my birthday!

  69. Best birthday present was my B&N Nook. I just love that you have turned 29 for 7 years now. lol! Most people just stop having birthdays after 29. I like that you are not willing to give up your birthdays. If I had to pick an age to stay at it would be 40. I just loved the freedom I felt. Before that age I felt I had to please everyone else, but after 40 I left that feeling behind. Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. Best birthday present was my New Camera:) Happy B-Day & Congrats on 500 Followers!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  71. Amazon gift cards I tend to get carried away nad buy way too many books, but there are just so many great books out these days.

  72. Happy Birthday!!!!
    The best birthday present I ever received was a cruse to the Mexican Riviera from my husband. It was the first time I ever went on a cruise. LOVED IT!.

  73. Hayy Bday!!
    my best bday present was a lot a lot of books lol:)

  74. Happy Birthday! My best present was perhaps the clothe bound copy of A Tale of Two Cities. It was a big deal because almost all books I read were library books or from the used bookstore.

  75. a penny with a hole in a shape of a heart

  76. Godiva Chocolates!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  77. First of all Happy Birthday!! My best birthday present to date is finding out that I'm cancer free. I was diagnosed Jan 25 2011, 17 days after my wedding. Had surgery and went through treatment and so far so good!

  78. Happy Birthday! My best present was my laptop. I love it and use it constantly. Best part of all, no one else in the family can use it but me!

  79. Happy Birthday! I got my first car at 17!

  80. Happy Birthday and congrats!
    The best birthday present I ever got was jewelry for my hubby!

  81. Happy Bday! My best present ever was definitely my now hubby asking me to marry him. Best. Present. Ever!!!

  82. Well my book is being published and my parents got me a pen, engraved, for signing. It says "first of many" :)

    Linda Foster

    Happy Birthday!!!

  83. My best would be my son. He was due on my birthday but came 9 days early. I still consider him my birthday baby:)

    laura thomas

  84. And Happy Birthday. Have a great holiday weekend also!

  85. A 2007 Kia Sportage, Red with black wheel overlays. 16th! Oh yeah, I am do spoiled ;) have agood birthday! And thanks!

  86. My iPod.
    Happy Birthday!!! And congrats on your followers!
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  87. Happy BDayyyy!
    My best present was maybe when I got my laptop :)

  88. I think it was when my husband and I took a vacation for a week!

  89. $100 GC from Amazon. Boy did I get some great books.

  90. Happy birthday!! My best birthday present would most definitely have to be my kindle.

  91. I just got a scooter last week from my hubby. It's perfect for all the close running around town I do for my kids!! Happy Birthday to you:)

  92. Hey, I just received an iPad 2, which is an advanced birthday day present. I just love it, especially reading on it!

  93. Happy Birthday!!! Two years I got a Sony eReader.

  94. Happy Birthday and congrats on your followers!

    My favorite gift was a Coach bag from my hubby :)

  95. Best present was a bike when I was a kid

  96. happy happy birthday! my best present would have to be the blue sapphire ring i got for my 21st birthday.

  97. There was one year where my husband did this really cute gift for me he filled balloons with notes and they had cute poems in them that all went with a cute gift that he gave me. My husband doesn't generally do things like this so it was really cute!!!

  98. Happy Birthday!!!

    My favorite gift was the elliptical machine I received on my 30th birthday. I had been wanting one so my family chipped in together to get me one :)

  99. Happy Birthday!
    It would have to be a laptop :)

  100. Since you were recommended by the Cabin Goddess herself (@AKMamma) of course I'll follow you! (Happy Birthday!)

  101. My best birthday present was my son 3 years ago!!

    Happy Birthday Hun!!


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