
Monday, May 14, 2012

Interview with Author L.M. Pruitt

Synopsis from
Cari Gravier might have learned the town's big secret, but some things remain constant: the Old Town Cafe, blackberry harvesting, and the shaky relationship with her ex-husband, Mike Sullivan.

But there's more change in the wind, the kind even half blind Old Willis can see. The seeds of the past--betrayal, violence, and heartbreak--are ready for harvest.

And some sleeping dogs just won't stay down....

I have mentioned in the past that I have 3 favorite Indy authors.  You can NOT believe how excited I am to have one of them on my blog today!  Harvest Moon Rising, book two in the Moon Rising series, has just been released and I have the privilege of asking L.M. a few questions about it and some other juicy things.  You can see my reviews for her books on my goodreads page if you're curious, but to save you some time...they're all 5 stars!!

Welcome L.M. Pruitt!

1. You write some amazing female characters.  Who are your inspirations for these kick-butt ladies?  

If I had to pinpoint a source of inspiration for Cari, it would be pretty much every female figure in my life—including myself, because I think writers always end up putting something of themselves into characters. I see a lot of my grandmother in Cari’s mom and a lot of my mom in Mike’s mom. Mrs. Declarancy and Maisie are essentially every church lady I’ve ever known. There’s just a lot of personalities combining to make these women, lol.

2. When it came to writing Harvest Moon Rising, what was the biggest challenge you came up against?

Deadline. I hate deadlines. Besides that, it was the overwhelming amount of emotional trauma everyone was going through. Even when you shut off and disconnect, it can still take a toll.

3. Ok, when I read Harvest Moon Rising the song that played in my head concerning Cari & Mike was Burn Like the Sun by Cross Canadian Ragweed.  Is there a song you would put to the book or any certain character?

I mentioned this on my blog a few weeks ago, but I kept hearing I’m Moving On, by Rascal Flatts. And since HMR has been in editing, I’ve heard a new song from the latest Carrie Underwood CD, Wine After Whiskey, which also seems to sum up their relationship.

4. It’s quite apparent you know how to write the complexity of human emotions and relationships, many authors lack in this area.   Does this come naturally to you or did you have to take some courses?

No, it’s all natural, lol. I’m not sure if it’s a gift or a curse to be honest. I sat here and tried to figure out where it comes from and I don’t have a single clue. The closest I can guess is that, like other writers, what I write is sometimes a source of therapy. What I can’t express in day to day life comes out on the page, which can sometimes be messy and sometimes be amazing.

5. Do you have a pre or post writing ritual?  Something quirky or weird?

I wish I could say yes. But I can’t. The weirdest I get is listening to music or having a DVD on with the director’s commentary running.

6. Do you plan on dabbling in any new paranormal categories?  If so, can you give us any hints?

I have a new series coming out next year, Winged, that I’m super excited about. It pretty much takes the conventional view of angels and demons and so on and throws it on its ear.

7. Out of all the male characters you have written, who’s your book boyfriend?  

None of mine, lol. Okay, kind of a lie, but none of them by themselves. I’d say the closest would be a mixture of Mike from Moon Rising and Jack from the Frankie Post series. Theo’s too nice for me, lol.

Fantastic!  Thanks L.M.!  

Now, if you haven't read any of her books I'm telling you, you are missing out!  Below you'll find L.M.'s pic. along with some author info.  I'm also going to make it super easy for you to buy her books by linking to amazon.  How sweet am I?!

L.M. Pruitt has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember. A native of Florida with a love of New Orleans, she has the uncanny ability to find humor in most things and would probably kill a plastic plant. She is the author of the Jude Magdalyn Series as well as New Moon Rising, featuring Cari Gravier, and Taken, featuring Frankie Post. She is currently at work on the next book in the Jude Magdalyn series, Shades of Blood, due out June 2012. Ms. Pruitt makes her home in Florida with two cats--one smart, the other not so much.
You will also love:
New Moon Rising (Moon Rising, #1)  Harvest Moon Rising (Moon Rising, #2)
Shades of Gray (Jude Magdalyn, #1) Shades of Desire (Jude Magdalyn, #2)
Taken (Frankie Post, #1)


  1. Thanks for having me today, Jeanette!

  2. Thanks for sharing this fun interview ladies. These books sound amazing and I love a tough heroine.

    laura thomas


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