
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Book Trailers You Love

I really, really love book trailers.  I think it's because I love to imagine my favorite books as movies.  What are some of your favorite book trailers?  Comment below.  I'd love to see if any new ones I haven't seen come up.


  1. Hey Jeannette!

    Have you ever seen the book trailer for Ann Aguirre's Enclave?

    Here is the link:

    Also, Simone Elkeles' Perfect Chemistry series has some AMAZING, drool worthy trailers.

    Rules of Attraction:

    Chain Reaction:

    Also, I found your blog from the "Follow Me, I Follow You" network. I am your newest member :)

    Feel free to come on over to mine! I have book Giveaway going on, so you can enter for a chance to win JC Andrijeski's book Rook: Allie's War #1.

    Thanks and Hope to see ya over at my blog sometime!

    Mia at The Muses Circle

  2. Visiting from Blogaholic! So, do you think you should always read the book before seeing the movie or vice versa? I've heard good arguments both ways ;-P

    1. I do think you should read the book first if you can. Often the book explains things the movie doesn't which makes you love the story more. Plus some movies butcher the story they're based on. Eragon is a good example.

  3. New follower! Thank you for visiting my blog Shadow Kisses Book Reviews! I am loving these trailers, the first one is my FAV!


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